Franklin, Brentwood & Williamson County
Music City USA Nashville

Beautiful lawns don’t just happen.

If it was easy, everyone would have a spectacular yard. Unfortunately, it takes work plus the right amount of water!

And the amount of water necessary varies dependent on the type of grass you have. The needs are quite different for the most common grasses in Middle Tennessee - Tall Fescue, Bermuda and Zoysia.

Green Scene Irrigation and Landscaping has the expertise to customize a system to help your lawn reach its full  potential.


Tall Fescue Grass



Although there are many varieties of Fescue, their watering needs are about the same. Like any other living plant, Fescue needs water to grow and look beautiful - about an inch to an inch and a quarter. However, the amount and frequency of watering can greatly affect the quality of your lawn. 

When there is too much moisture in the soil, fescue grass is susceptible to brown patch fungus. Typically this is a mid-summer fungus, but it can occur anytime night temperatures exceed 70˚ and grass blades remain wet for periods 10 hours or longer.

A professionally installed irrigation system from Green Scene can help you regulate the exact amount of water your Fescue lawn need.


419 Tif Bermuda



Just like Fescue, there are many varieties of Bermuda grass. Perhaps one of the most popular is 419 Tifway. You'll see this beautiful "carpet" of grass on almost every golf course in the country.

And it's a popular lawn grass as well. Although this rugged and luxurious grass is extremely drought resistant, it performs best with a closely monitored water regimen.

During the growing season, it needs at least one inch of water each week for maximum growth, color and thickness. A professionally installed timer system from Green Scene gives you the tools to regulate the proper amount of water your lawn needs without excessive waste.


Zoysia Grass



Zoysia grass is another drought resistant variety. Just like Bermuda, it doesn't need a lot of water. But the amount and timing of water delivery can make quite the difference. For a healthy lawn, your Zoysia yard needs around one inch of water per week.

For new lawns, that water should be applied in early afternoon. For established yards, the proper timing of delivery is early morning.

And why? It's very important that the grass blades have ample time for drying. Although Zoysia is a hearty and robust grass, it too is susceptible to fungus and other overwatering diseases.

That's why a professionally installed irrigation system by Green Scene can provide you with the yard of your dreams! It's water on demand.


Professional Irrigation Installation from Green Scene


irrigation system installation


Green Scene customizes every irrigation project.

Irrigation System Benefits

There's no question a beautiful, well established lawn adds tremendous curb appeal and subsequent value to your home. Green Scene Irrigation and Landscaping can help your add value to your home!

  Efficient water delivery to your lawn

  Accurately delivers measured moisture to your flower beds & shrubs

  Consistent water delivery to your small garden

  Avoids water waste & costly water bills

  Saves time

  Increases curb appeal & and value to your home